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If you coordinate various robots please leave it to Kyoei Sangyo.

We will build robot solutions that meet the needs of our customers by "Robot Sales", "Cloud Computation", "Design and Development", "Part Sales / Proposal", "Maintenance Maintenance" etc.

Guide robot system Respond carefully to the enormous number of customers visited by each and every one! No rest is necessary. Please also leave information to customers from overseas. Contributing to reducing the labor burden of staff. We provide a sense of security and hospitality that "people" are there, which can not be done with information terminals alone.
Underfloor and equipment inspection robot system Underfloor inspection robot system consists of Topy Industrial Co., Ltd.'s new type inspection robot "Any Light" and our tablet inspection tool, which is a system to help labor saving and rationalization of inspection work.
Robot x Cloud service SeeROBO It is a cloud service for robots making use of communication board (IoT Gateway).
Collecting marketing data, remote control / monitoring / failure prediction / maintenance are possible.
Communication Robot Chapit Chapit is adorable and full of personality is a communication robot that supports your life happily while talking.It carries phrase speech recognition strong against noise and high recognition rate, and communication with robots is possible even among noise of everyday life.
Muscle Suit The muscle suit is not a motor but a pneumatic artificial muscle which contracts with a very strong force is used. This is the driving force to move the body, greatly reducing the burden on the body when lifting people and objects.